Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Hi there!

Welcome to Behind the Seams: The Highway 12 Designs Blog!

Because I am apparently very much behind the times, I'm pretty new to the land of blog so forgive me if I come off as being 100 years old (I'm almost 36, so close enough, I guess).

Anyway, this is the spot where we will share pics, bloopers, triumphs, and creations good and not-so-good taking place in our design studio.  I'll post news about upcoming trends, sales, places you can find our stuff.  If I get drunk enough, I may even showcase my (horrible) drumming skills.  You never know what you'll see!

Here's a short introduction to us....we're Jodi and Chris, we've been married almost 8 years (feels shorter to me, feels longer to him), we run this joint, and we work from a studio that started in a spare room in our house and has since exploded into the rest of the house.  Oh, and we get to live in the most glorious place on earth, the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

Here's us on the beach one day, a long time ago:

Here's Chris building a sand fortress one day, not that long ago:

Here's me dancing to "Sharp Dressed Man" with my dad at my wedding:

Good times.

I don't want to make your head explode from all the information I've just thrown at you, so I think that'll be all for today.  Next I'll post pics of our studio (forgive the mess) and our helpers.

Great to meet you!  See you soon.

xo and stuff,

1 comment:

  1. Love the new blog. Love the pictures. Love you and Chris!
